On 7/23/2010 10:13 AM, TNWestTex wrote:
> Stephen Gallagher-2 wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 07/22/2010 08:37 AM, David Liguori wrote:
>>> I prefer to boot in non-graphical mode then load the Xwindow system, or
>>> not, as desired.  To this end I set my default runlevel to 3 and delete
>>> the option "rhgb quiet" in grub.conf, as is well documented.  In past
>> Something else that might be tried is adding 'vga=ask' to the kernel
>> boot line, and then trying various modes until you find one that fits
>> for you, then setting 'vga=<mode>'
>> THere are a couple standard ones (including 80 column mode), but it also
>> allows you to set the vesafb to any resolution that fits for you.
>> - -- 
>> Stephen Gallagher
>> RHCE 804006346421761
> Things are in quite a bit of flux.  First, in F12 the mode number I've used
> for a long time
> didn't work any more, but 'vga=ask' gave a list with a letter index that
> would
> select the desired mode.
> With F13, Grub gives an error message that it can't parse a number if
> 'vga=ask'
> is on the kernel boot line.  Haven't yet tried entering one of the old mode
> codes.
> Robert McBroom
Funny, I had already tried vga=ask and it worked as advertised.  Problem 
was, it then went on its merry way switching to the tiny font as 
before.  Maybe the solution is to buy a bigger monitor.

Thanks to all.

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