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On 07/22/2010 08:37 AM, David Liguori wrote:
> I prefer to boot in non-graphical mode then load the Xwindow system, or 
> not, as desired.  To this end I set my default runlevel to 3 and delete 
> the option "rhgb quiet" in grub.conf, as is well documented.  In past 
> releases the startup messages would change from 80 to 132 columns early 
> on (no doubt in preparation for displaying them in a graphical window 
> during startup if you choose that option) , but the shell prompt in the 
> end was back to 80 columns.  In F13, though, it remains small.  This is 
> hard on my eyes.  How do I get back to an 80-column shell?
> My searches on this topic have been surprisingly unproductive.  I either 
> get hits on changing the xterm display, which is a whole other thing, or 
> passing a vga option to the kernel.  The latter can't be right because 
> the change is *after* Grub passes control to the kernel.  I tried this 
> and, indeed, it still changes to a small font during start-up.
> "stty cols 80" does not seem to work.  In any case, I'd prefer to find 
> where it changes to a small font in the first place and stop it.
> David

Something else that might be tried is adding 'vga=ask' to the kernel
boot line, and then trying various modes until you find one that fits
for you, then setting 'vga=<mode>'

THere are a couple standard ones (including 80 column mode), but it also
allows you to set the vesafb to any resolution that fits for you.

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