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-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Moskowitz <>
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2023 4:04 PM
To: Community support for Fedora users <>
Subject: Asus Eee PC 4G Surf (701) OS

I have just dug out an old Asus Eee 701 from my bin.  I have a little project I 
want to use if for.

It looks like it has 1Gb mem, 4GB SSD, 7" monitor and has Fedora17 and I think 
Gnome (Nautilus file manager).

250MB free disk space!  :)

What is the latest ver of Fedora I can drop on this?  And have Xfce desktop.  
It was around Fedora 18 that I switched to Xfce on my main laptops.

I am not adverse to putting in an SD card (it has a slot for one) and putting 
part of the OS there.

It is not worth my effort to upgrade the SSD unless I get one really cheap!

I do seem to recall that given how narrow the screen is on this, some fixed 
dialogs were not fully visible and I had to use some magic key combinations to 
move dialogs around to see the bottom of them...

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I have one still too
The 4GB flash and the 32-bit cpu isn't such a problem (with the proper distro)
But the amount of mem (mine has just 512MB) is more a restraint.

Which is rather peculiar, as I well remember the days in which you could 
install&run l RedHat perfectly (with X11 & KDE1) on machines with just 64MB.
I know: No progress without change; but not every change is an improvement.

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