There are lots of this error going around, going back >10 years.

Thunderbird is what is crashing, see if reverting thunderbird to the
prior version makes the crash go away.

In libraries and/or system calls there are often bugs that fail to
block bad/invalid call parameters provided by an application that can
leave a system in a bad state.  Since this error has been reported
many times but seemingly never fixed (in the kernel) then I would
suspect that it is one of those sorts of bugs.  IE thunderbird has a
bug in its graphics calls that tells the kernel to do something with
completely wrong call parameters and it leaves the module/kernel in a
bad state and causes the crash.   The bug is probably that the kernel
does not return an error to thunderbird and attempts to handle the
invalid request and blows the system up.  It is also possible that
thunderbird makes the graphics calls and died in the middle of the
call chain and that leaves the system in a bad state(kernel bug is
that this is not gracefully handled) and causes the crash/deadlock.

The stall could be either an invalid request causing the ring to
internally crash and stall, or a request that was started but never
finished (both being caused by the application doing something invalid
and/or crashing).

The kernel bug is on a stall it needs to cleanup and/or the traceback
is the cleanup code trying to run but said cleanup code that rarely
gets executed does not actually work all of the time (most of the bugs
I had to find methods to work around and/or involve a vendor to fix
involve the code paths around errors getting triggered and the
cleanup/errors handling simply not working right and/or having bad

On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 5:59 AM Robert Moskowitz <> wrote:
> On 6/28/22 21:06, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> > On 6/28/22 16:38, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> >> Well thanks.  It is NOT the kernel as I am still locking up.  But it
> >> is something else related to that update, as I did not get these
> >> lockups before.  I have updated the bug report and sent a number of
> >> related selinux error details and messages
> >
> > The selinux error is related to the coredump.  If you look in the
> > journal, you should see what's crashing.  Also, I would have expected
> > abrt to popup a notification.  Try running the "Problem Reporting"
> > application and see if it has anything listed.
> Can't see a way to copy and paste info from Problem Reporting, so got to
> retype it:
> xorg-x11-drv-ati
> System failure
> Name:  Kernel-core
> Ver:    5.17.12-200
> Reported:  Cannot be reported
> The backtrace does not contain enough meaningful function frames to be
> reported...
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