On Apr 27, 2022, at 07:25, Justin Moore <justin.nonw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 6:06 PM Jonathan Billings <billi...@negate.org>
>> wrote:
>> [snip] Could systemd do a better job saying what it was waiting on? Yes.
>> Is it so horribly broken it doesn’t know how to exit? No.
> This kind of blanket dismissal of user feedback and refusal to believe *even
> the possibility* that systemd could be broken in obvious ways contributes to
> the sense from the community that negative feedback about systemd has been
> and will be ignored.
> Had the response been "What kind of system was it? What test cases did you
> do? Which time frames?" then at least it would come across as a constructive
> attempt to solve the problem. But a blanket dismissal of the possibility that
> systemd could fail to exit cleanly as opposed to admitting that maybe they
> were bit by any of the previous bugs where systemd would crash on exit [1, 2,
> 3, 4] reinforces the sense of "systemd advocates don't listen to user
> feedback".
> -justin
> [1] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/17758
> [2] https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6369201
> [3] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/6512
> [4]
> https://linux.debian.bugs.dist.narkive.com/2ReHgNIk/bug-780675-systemd-segfault-in-systemd-when-running-systemctl-daemon-reload
Just as much as frustrating as people who say “systemd is evil” and because it
has bugs it should be tossed out entirely. I wasn’t trying to be dismissive, I
just didn’t realize we were debugging someone’s genuine problem.
In general, the way I suggest debugging these kinds of hangs at shutdown/reboot
are to run:
journalctl --boot=-1 --reverse
Jonathan Billings
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