systemd-resolved can also be just uninstalled. Provides at least very
basic symlink removal.

On 4/19/22 14:27, Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Apr 2022 23:43:36 -0400
> Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>> Help me out here: wasn't there a point of order made, way back when: hey, if 
>> you want to disable systemd-resolved, just manually replace the  
>> /etc/resolv.conf symlink?
> You also need to systemctl disable systemd-resolved (and probably
> systemctl mask systemd-resolved). That way it doesn't update anything
> at all. That's how I'm currently set and everyone is happily using
> the dnsmasq I have installed to serve my local lan.
I think the major problem is with upgrades from previous versions of
Fedora, where nothing similar were required. systemd-resolved just
grabbed /etc/resolv.conf and made many other dhcp clients unable to get
it back. They also don't offer simple way to disable resolved and keep
DNS working.
> Systemd didn't invent replacing resolv.conf, various dhcp client
> shofware have done that for years (and it was just as irritating when
> they did it).

systemd invented replacing /etc/resolv.conf with symlink leading to a
private /run directory. No other software did that automatically AFAIK.
If you disable systemd-resolved later, it would stay broken. Other
clients just overwritten the contents of /etc/resolv.conf. A common
trick is using chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf when you want to prevent
random rewrites.

When it should reconfigure system name resolution, it has to use some
way. Current resolvconf from systemd-resolved package is useless without
systemd-resolved enabled. I don't know about any better generic
interface to configure system nameservers.

Petr Menšík
Software Engineer
Red Hat,
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