On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Timothy Murphy <gayle...@eircom.net> wrote:
> Tom H wrote:
>> To be fair, the difference between grub1/2 and lilo remains that
>> grub1/2 don't update the mbr for every config change but only when
>> they are set up.
>> grub2's update is the equivalent of grubby on Fedora and grub1's
>> update-grub on Debian/Ubuntu.
> What is the supposed advantage of grub2 over grub?

The advantages that I perceive aren't necessarily the ones that are
touted on the various grub2 tutorial pages (which seem to be
modularity, flexibility, and portability).

. booting from an ext4'd /boot (which isn't possible for a
non-Fedora-patched grub1)
. booting from an lvm'd /boot
. rescue mode (if stage 1 - boot.img in the 1st sector - loads but
stage 2 - core.img in the next 62 sectors - doesn't load, you can get
to the grub menu at the cli with a reduced number of available grub
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