On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Tom Horsley <horsley1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 09:53:03 -0400
> Gene Heskett wrote:
>> It isn't quite that bad Tom, I have composed new stanza's for it several
>> times now.
> It isn't horrible, but it is a lot more inconvenient that the current
> grub, but at least on ubuntu, if you modify the grub.cfg file directly
> you are gonna be surprised to find everything you did disappear the
> next kernel update you get, so you pretty much have to track down the
> files you need to change to do things the "right" way.
> So far my biggest issue has been eradicating the "helpful" code
> that disables automatic boot (turns off the menu timeout) when
> there is a problem booting. That was an incredible pain in the
> patoot on virtual machines which I never watch boot. Suddenly
> they won't ever come up and you are forced to open the virtual
> console and find it sitting in the grub menu forever just because
> it once had some random problem on a previous boot.

That's one of the PITA changes that I have had to make in /etc/grub.d
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