R. G. Newbury:
>>>>> edit your /etc/hosts file to give the hdhomerun unit a fixed IP
>>>>> address.

Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au:
>>>> When has the /etc/hosts file ever given anything an IP address?

R. G. Newbury
>>> You are correct, and I am completely wrong. A static address for
>>> the computer would be set by editing
>>> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno1 (or whatever) or using
>>> the network config gui to do the same thing.

Michael Hennebry:
>> Huh?
>> From man hosts:
>>        /etc/hosts
>>   For each host a single line should be present
>>        with the following information:
>>               IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]

Samuel Sieb:
> That's not *giving* anything an IP address.  It's assigning a name
> for the local host to be able to *lookup* an IP address.

The above posts are in sequence, how the thread progressed, and the
thread was written with the responses in that sequence, with each
message containing all that text.  Read through them before replying. 
Don't just read the top one and respond to that.  It's already been

Michael, when replying to messages, reply to the right one.  Your
"huh?" posting should NOT have been to the one where R G Newbury,
started going on ifcfg files, but one or two prior where hosts was
being misunderstood.  By now, that mistake had been addressed and
corrected.  Don't just hop into a thread, miles later and discuss
something that has already passed by.  If you want to redundantly add
to a thread, go back and reply to the right one.

Samuel, I can't tell if you've misunderstood, or grammar has gone out
of whack.  The hosts file is doing nothing to enable looking up an IP
address just because it's given a name to the local host.  Sure, it
gives an answer for the things written in it, but it does nothing else.
It answers no other questions.  It gives no other clues about how to
work out other addresses.  Naming the local loopback address does
nothing to aid looking up other addresses.

uname -rsvp
Linux 3.10.0-1160.59.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 23 16:47:03 UTC 2022 x86_64
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