Geoffrey Leach wrote:
It will take me a while to try to understand the output from your
In the meantime, yes, it is a direct cable to the hdhomerun.
Then you will have to set a static IP address in your /etc/hosts file.
There is some sort of NETGEAT unit listed in your output. If that is a
router, it is MUCH easier to set things up with a router between the
computer and the hdhr.
On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 4:54 PM Roger Heflin <> wrote:
I am pretty sure the hdhomerun usually needs a dhcp server to get an ip
address. there may be some default ip address. I don't see that my
hdhomeruns have a way to set an ip address.
Controlling an hdhr with a dhcp served IP address is basically
impossible as it is hard to find that address and remember it for use in
your program. Control of the unit with most digital tv programs requires
a static IP address. Mythtv for instance will not work if the IP address
is changed, external to the mythtv program.
... If you are expecting autoconfig to
be used then you need to figure out what ip address on the other end is.
And that would be the static address when you set it.
nmap -sn will scan the subnet.
But you really do not want to have to do that every time you reboot, do you?
There is only one computer involved
HDHomerun is a box that converts OTA TV channels (i.e., a tuner) to a feed
that is accessed by the local system.
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