George N. White III writes:

   > Much of Fedora is user developed.  So this need not be the case.  It is 
   > clear from what I read over in Xfce-land that better tools are needed. 
   > Probably to even better migrate Gnome and KDE to Wayland.
   > This is a bigger change than systemd and firewalld.  But we made those. 
   > will be on Wayland across the board, it seems, in 5 years or less.

   I'm going to reserve the right to pick at the claim that "Fedora is user 
   developed", if this means that what goes into Fedora depends on what

"user developed" means stuff users want badly enough to contribute

in the form of code, patches, bug reports, and documentation. 

I originally wrote a different snarky response to this, but thought better and deleted it. I really, really didn't want to go there. Let's just say that if I were to call for a show of hands: who, around here, actually contributed "code, patches, bug reports, and documentation" to the project in question? Well, that would've been one hell of a curve-ball over the batter's box.

In fact, I'll bet more people here know exactly what I was going to say, more people than the ones who contributed "code, patches, … and documentation". Not sure about the bug reports, though. However: the bug reports were met with hostile responses more often than not. So, I don't think they should count.

   I do not recall a great clamoring for some of the things that you 
   mention, and notable amount of opposition from the community. But that's
   different topic. On the subject matter of time estimates I don't see this 
   happening in 5 years, if at all. I'm going to go with 7-8 at the least.
   XFCE does not support Wayland at that point, I guess that'll be the end
   the XFCE spin.

Or earlier if some new Wayland-based project that improves on XFCE (together

with English translation of the docs from the author's native language!) gains


That's an interesting thought experiment: what would be the chances of the Wayland stake-holders going out and choosing to contribute to XFCE's migration to Wayland?

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