Hello Walter,

On Thu, 02 Dec 2021 10:05:19 +0000 "Stephane Travostino" <st...@combo.cc> wrote:

> I've been running a Synology NAS (DS718+ with two 1TB SSDs) for the past 2 
> years and I'm pleased with it.
> It's mostly closed source but:
> * Provides SSH access (with root), so I run Docker on it and all my media 
> management tools
> * Runs on btrfs (https://www.synology.com/en-uk/dsm/Btrfs)
> * Exports via WebDAV, NFS, SMB, AFS out of the box
> * Has a package manager and a community repository
> * Web interface
> * It's very common place, so it's easy to find support and help if need be
> I've enabled the rsync service on it, I use that to backup my Linux 
> workstation, and nightly my NAS backs itself up with rsync.net in 
> Switzerland, for disaster recovery.
> If you want something that works out of the box and is hackable, without 
> having to install FreeNAS yourself, I would suggest to look into it.
> (I'm not affiliated with them, just a happy user.)

Same here with a QNAP TS-251a (ext4fs on disks in RAID arrays), rsync
over ssh (root) over ethernet (or wifi). It's not out of the box: a bit
of configuration to install rsync on it from third-party package and
setup everything, including a rsync-based script on machines to backup,
but nothing you can't learn.
All my machine here are backed up on it.


> On Thu, 2 Dec 2021, at 09:46, Walter Cazzola wrote:
> > Dear Fedoers,
> >
> > I'm planning to buy a NAS to backup my Linux boxes. I've spent few
> > days at looking for it on the Internet but I've some hard time to
> > find a NAS that fits my needs.
> >
> > I intend to use it both the backup my data but also to keep
> > consistent the data on several linux-boxes. That is, the data are
> > changed on one machine (incrementally) back-upped and then restored
> > from another one and vice versa.
> >
> > As an inexperienced user, the characteristics I've pointed out are:
> >    - ethernet based NAS optionally with wake-on lan (ie., the 
> > capability of
> >      being turned on by a signal over the internet)
> >    - Linux compliant ie.,
> >        - it should be formatted in ext3/4 or other *nix file system
> > to maintain all
> >          the linux file details such as access rights, attributes, 
> > links, name
> >          lengths/characters, ...
> >        - rsync should be a viable solution to update/restore the
> > backup
> >    - files should be accessible over the internet possibly via ssh, 
> > https, or
> >      mount over the internet
> >    - possibility to create multiple partitions, possibly also with 
> > multiple
> >      file systems.
> >    - RAID 5 or better the supported replicated storage should be at 
> > least 5TB
> >    - optionally I would also like to have some way to 
> > limit/control/monitor
> >      the accesses from the external, eg., via firewall (it will be
> > on a intranet and I can put a firewall on the modem but it would be 
> > nice to
> >      have some extra control over security and privacy)
> >
> > I do not have a net preference between mechanical and optical
> > storage even if I suppose that given the same storage size
> > mechanical solutions are cheaper and optical ones are faster.
> > Probably cheaper (especially when associated with more reliable) is
> > better than faster.
> >
> > From your experience do you have some brand/model to suggest? Or
> > something that I should consider that I didn't list?
> >
> > Thank you in advance for your help.
> >
> > Walter


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