I have several computers at home and one with an usr-printer attached.
I struggled sometimes to configure cups on other computers to use this
printer. Now I upgraded to f34, and the configuration no longer works:
"printer is misconfigured or no longer exists" is the answer if I send a
test page....
After deleting the printer, I try to use the discovery tool in the
administration page of cups (localhost:631) and it find the printer
attached to my main computer but at the end of the configuration, when I
try to print a test page, the answer is the same:
"printer is misconfigured or no longer exists"
This tool also finds old printers I configured many years ago and which
(really) non longer exist...
What to do?
Thank you.
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)6 7892 5822
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