On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Rahul Sundaram <methe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Check closely, I didn't split the thread. Somebody, unaware of the
> > result, I suppose, removed "OT:" from the title line. It's unfortunate
> > but those things happen.
> No.  You did split the thread by starting yet another discussion
> refererring to the old one.
> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/users/2010-July/thread.html
> I was referring to the June post not to  answer it but to give a flagrant
example of some omnipresent nonsense. Of course, I might be wrong. It's very
important to state this, right? since everybody is entitled to an
"opinion".  But, so far, nobody maintained that reinstalling Linux made them
much more clever.

So, in my opinion, it's not a split. Discussing moderation (not censorship)
in a thread about drivers would make no sense. Of course, this is only my
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