On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Rishi Patel <impulsat...@gmail.com> wrote:

We all have it upon us to moderate this forum; in our own posts perhaps.

I agree, but what happens when it's not done? I had 9 replies in this thread
and I really didn't feel like getting involved in this nonsense at the time.
I thought maybe somebody would drop a few lines to protest this obvious
nonsense. 3 weeks later, nothing.

What usually happens is some people add more of the same.

> On 15 July 2010 22:46, Rahul Sundaram <methe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 07/16/2010 03:00 AM, Marcel Rieux wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > I don't understand how come nobody responsible for this group tries to
>> > make discussions move forward to better results for Red Hat, whether
>> > it be about uninstalling Nvidia drivers or OOo not offering basic
>> > features that Red Hat should rely on to sell its support, etc. Who's
>> > teh Steve Jobs here who says "The user is right!" ?
>> >
>> > IMO, there is a flaw in this list's moderation. And that's my
>> > contribution.
>> You are hearing opinions you don't like and want moderators to step in
>> and squash them even though none of the list guidelines have been
>> violated by the other party.  That isn't moderation but censorship.  As
>> long as opinions are politely expressed and aimed at the subject matter
>> instead of being personal, there is no reason not to tolerate dissent.
>> Besides,  if you want to enforce netiquette, I would have to point out
>> that you are splitting a single thread into multiple ones and that makes
>> it harder to follow discussions and ignore a thread if people are not
>> interested in hearing about the topic.
>> Rahul
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