From: "home user" <<>>
Date: Monday, 30 November 2020 at 18:57:40
To: "" 
Subject: mysterious/suspicious internet activity.

Fedora-32 home workstation; gnome.

In ksysguard, I've been noticing internet activity that I can't explain.  This 
has been going on for weeks, and it's making me uncomfortable.

What I do:
1. After the system has been powered down overnight, I boot it up.
2. I sign in to a user account.
3. My .bash_profile sources my .bashrc, sets PATH, and launches xeyes.  My 
.bashrc sources /etc/bashrc, sets PS1 and PATH, and defines aliases.
4. I launch ksysguard, then Spectacle.
5. I wait several seconds, then take a screen-capture of ksysguard's display.

To get a good sample, I did five screen-captures.  Here are the google drive 
links to them:

This is way outside my knowledge and experience.  I need good step-by-step 
instructions on this.

Thank-you in advance.


What puzzles me, is that you don’t refer to the firewall.
It’s the firewall responsibility to block unexpected incoming, but also 
outgoing traffic.
Often people trust all outgoing traffic on 443 and 80 (and corresponding 
replies), but you can initially LOG it all, and subsequently change your rules 
to DROP all you don’t want to see. (Before logging the uncaught)

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