How about: “lsof -i -n  -P”

From: "Jack Craig" 
Date: Saturday, 14 November 2020 at 21:11:39
To: "Community support for Fedora users" 
Subject: Re: F32 bind9 split dns debug

is there an easier way to verify a port access to internal host besides 
wireshark & tcpdump?

On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 11:51 AM Jack Craig 
<<>> wrote:

On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 11:33 AM Jack Craig 
<<>> wrote:

this part looked ok to me, but i am not sure.

now seeing higher throughput, but still got...

14-Nov-2020 11:28:20.993 query-errors: info: client @0x7fc8601c9760 (<>): view 
external-wan-view: query failed (REFUSED) for<> at 
14-Nov-2020 11:28:21.030 query-errors: info: client @0x7fc8601c9760 (<>): 
view external-wan-view: query failed (REFUSED) for<> at 
14-Nov-2020 11:28:21.047 query-errors: info: client @0x7fc8601c9760 (<>): 
view external-wan-view: query failed (REFUSED) for<> at 

how can i see/test a query's processing between default.log & security.log ?
i can see the query, if i could see why it's failing, i'd query this list less. 
;)<> at 

i looked at the query.c @7270 but was unable to gleen any useful insight.

WRT networking, my block of static ip's is from<>

i have cascaded routers from att's pace unit to a netgear night hawk that does
port fwding for 53, 80 443 to the sever.
i use the firewall on the att rtr limiting to the above ports to pass through.

the NH logs show connects to 53,80, & 443

i also cranked debug to 10 in named logging, but so far,...

lastly, as F32 comes w/iptables, i migrated to nftables.

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