On 07/10/2010 09:33 PM, H.S. wrote:
> On 10-07-10 11:59 PM, JD wrote:
>>     On 07/10/2010 08:57 PM, H.S. wrote:
>>> On 10-07-10 11:34 PM, JD wrote:
>>>> No.
>>>> The slashes were used for emphasis.
>>>> Sorry!!!
>>> Well, discovered a work around. I used the "asknetwork" option just to
>>> try it out (since askmethod was not letting the system proceed to the
>>> questions), selected dhcp auto method and in the next question screen
>>> chose to go "Back" and lo and behold, the screen it gave me asked me to
>>> choose the method of installation and I selected URL. I gave the URL and
>>> the installation is now proceeding.
>>> So it is working, but "askmethod" did not work. Is there a bug?
>> Well, most blogs I read about askmethod, say:
>> "Try a network install by pressing TAB and entering "linux askmethod"
>> at the prompt."
>> Is that what you did?
> No, not that exactly. I appended "askmethod" at end of the kernel line
> starting with vmlinuz that I got by pressing TAB.
> Do you mean that I should *erased* the whole line and typed "linux
> askmethod" and booted?
No, I just wanted to say what the blogs were saying.
Often, bloggers ommit quiet a bit when they provide some info.
Perhaps they meant exactly what you did. I do not know
because I have not done it this way.

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