On 10-07-10 11:34 PM, JD wrote:
>    On 07/10/2010 08:46 PM, H.S. wrote:
>> On 10-07-10 11:21 PM, JD wrote:
>>>      On 07/10/2010 08:37 PM, H.S. wrote:
>>>> So, what is the deal with "askmethod"? How do I tell the installer to do
>>>> installation from the internet?
>>>> Thanks.
>>> I thought you are supposed to type
>>> linux /askmethod/
>> You mean put "askmethod" within the two slashes?
>> I check various options here:
>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/Options
>> and also some examples here:
>> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/13/html/Installation_Guide/s2-x86-starting-bootopts.html
>> none showed the slashes. BTW, "asknetwork" works without slashes.
>> Regards.
> No.
> The slashes were used for emphasis.
> Sorry!!!

Well, discovered a work around. I used the "asknetwork" option just to 
try it out (since askmethod was not letting the system proceed to the 
questions), selected dhcp auto method and in the next question screen 
chose to go "Back" and lo and behold, the screen it gave me asked me to 
choose the method of installation and I selected URL. I gave the URL and 
the installation is now proceeding.

So it is working, but "askmethod" did not work. Is there a bug?

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