On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 10:05 PM ToddAndMargo via users
<users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On 2020-07-07 12:25, Tom H wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 7:38 PM Samuel Sieb <sam...@sieb.net> wrote:
>>> One thing to remember is that if you change the group or passwd
>>> file, you need to start a new session to pick up the changes. As
>>> root, if I change the group file, "id user" will immediately show
>>> the changes. But any existing sessions for that user will still
>>> have the old settings and running "id" as the user there will show
>>> that. You need to do "su - user" to start a new session with the
>>> new group settings.
>> ACK. Thanks.
>> In my case, I'd halted the VM so the output above reflects
>> accurately the state of affairs.
> Did it work?

Of course not.

If libvirt or polkit can understand nested groups in "/etc/group",
within a fourth or fifth column, it's its own, unique, freaky feature.
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