On 2020-07-07 12:25, Tom H wrote:
On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 7:38 PM Samuel Sieb <sam...@sieb.net> wrote:
On 7/7/20 6:07 AM, Tom H wrote:
On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 12:53 AM ToddAndMargo via users

Try it with vi and a colon.

I used "vi" in the form of "vigr" (the group equivalent of "vipw").

A colon?! That means that you're adding a fifth field.


Also, it would help if you showed me your line in /etc/groups

I don't see why but here goes

$ getent group todd
$ getent group root
$ id
uid=1000(th) gid=1000(th) groups=1000(th),10(wheel),1001(todd)

To test what he's doing, you would need to have:

This is what I set up yesterday.

I've just tried the 5th column that you're suggesting. "id th" doesn't
list "0(root)".

I tested it with libvirt and it didn't work.
Since my user is in the wheel group, I changed the libvirt group to:

"id" doesn't show it and "virt-manager" asked for my password.

One thing to remember is that if you change the group or passwd file,
you need to start a new session to pick up the changes. As root, if I
change the group file, "id user" will immediately show the changes. But
any existing sessions for that user will still have the old settings and
running "id" as the user there will show that. You need to do "su -
user" to start a new session with the new group settings.

ACK. Thanks.

In my case, I'd halted the VM so the output above reflects accurately
the state of affairs.

Did it work?

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