L am struggling with the configuration of the new server. Presently my problem is that I attempted to create a link an made an error, I do not understand perfectly what I have read!

[root@smb bobg]# ln -s /home/share  /media/dd2

"# rm linkfile" is clear enough but,

[root@smb bobg]# ll /media/dd2
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 11 Jun 29 17:25 share -> /home/share

Which one is the  link name to be removed, what is the exact command to do that and NOT DESTROY or damage the files in /media/dd2?

I could unplug the data cable on the drive while doing the removal but even then Might there be something lurking to finish the removal when restarted with the drive plugged in? I am confused and worried about doing the removal correctly, some advice appreciated.    Bob

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
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