On Wed, 2019-12-11 at 10:31 -0500, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> On 2019-12-11 10:09, Roger Heflin wrote:
> > It should also be worth noting that if you want a dir to be readable
> > then you must also have x set.  So r-x for other would allow that.
> > 
> > If say /home is owned by root/root and other has r-- (no x) then no
> > one who is not root or root group will be able to see into the
> > directories below home at all even though technically they have
> > permission to them.  So if you set read on a dir always also set x.
> .
> You are confirming what I just read, and did not know, while googling 
> permissions. I was inclined to just set permissions to 664, wondered why 
> they often included that "x" at the last position ...

In the case of directories, 'x' means 'permission to lookup'

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