On Sat, 9 Nov 2019 at 19:18, sixpack13 <sixpac...@online.de> wrote:

>  It hangs with a frozen window showing a stalled rotating
> > action indicator in Gnome, leaving the power on.
> >
> Wasn't hitting - I believe - ESC-Key a task to see what's going on on the
> console.
> what are sdb - sdf are ?
> and what does the error "/dev/sdf: open failed: No medium
> found" mean ?
> were this error messages in F30 too ?
> is a file system check needed for sdb -sdf ?
> => sudo touch /forcefsck
> and a reboot
> might a selinux relabeling help ?
> => sudo touch /.autorelabel
> and a reboot
> just some wild guesses ...
> Just to add further (wild guesses ...) as the log seems to suggest
everything was successful except the actual power off.
So maybe some kind of ACPI bug (you could browse over your jounalctl logs)
or maybe a BIOS update is order.
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