On 5/12/19 5:26 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> On 05/11/19 17:16, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 5/12/19 4:49 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>>> On 05/09/19 07:23, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>>> Your Viasat Modem has 2 interfaces.  The interface that connects to the 
>>>> Radio Equipment,
>>>> does it have an IP address?  Do you know what it is?
>>> .
>>> No, I've decided that I probably don't know what that address is. I set out 
>>> assuming it
>>> was like it was on the modems they provided before this one. It 
>>> is not
>>> provided in anything I have read. How can I determine this?
>> Really early in my AM.  No coffee and brain not yet active.
>> What info do you get when you visit this site?   http://wanip.info/
>> I'd have to fire up a Virtual Machine without IPv6 to see if it would be 
>> valuable.  So,
>> I've not tested it.
>  Your WanIP address is:
>  Interesting info we could get from the WanIP address:
> Host address: - 184-62-232-174.cust.exede.net
> Country:     US US United States
> ISP:     ViaSat,Inc

That "probably" is it.  But just for completeness, what do you get for...

 sudo tcptraceroute

Right: I dislike the default color scheme Wrong: What idiot picked the default 
color scheme
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