On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 07:21, Bob Goodwin <bobgood...@fastmail.us> wrote:

> On 05/07/19 20:17, Tony Su wrote:
> > I've posted several times over the past 8 months or so about the
> > equipment I've been using on Cox and Spectrum, I don't even have to
> > tell the ISP what equipment I'm using... I just tell them I'm using my
> > own equipment on the Service Order, then hook up my own equipment. As
> > long as the equipment id compatible with their system, everything
> > happens more or less automaticatlly… The equipment is discovered,
> > recogniziaed, identified and then authorized firmware updates are
> > installed automatically (by the ISP). If all goes well, somewhere
> > between 20 t0 90 minutes after initial hookup, the system should be
> > working.
> >
> > You need to identify your equipment if you want help with your
> > different options. Nowadays, I think most SOHO residential gateways
> > come with web-based Administration. You may need to use a wired
> > connection instead of a wireless.
> .
> Everything I have read says Viasat's equipment must be used. Twenty
> years ago I might have experimented anyway but that's not something I
> can do now. The main difference I see is that their combination modem
> and router [Viasat RG1100] provides power to operate the radio equipment
> at the antenna, power over coax, 48 vdc I think it said. It also
> contains a voip adapter for the telephone, before this "system upgrade"
> two months ago that was separate.
> Until that time, for thirteen years, all I needed was their modem and
> the rest I provided. I will attach a sketch of what I have to work with
> now. I did determine that their router/modem could be put into a bridged
> mode but I could not get an internet connection with it and after a
> visit from their "technician" it was decided I could not use that mode?
> Presently it appears that the best solution is to NAT the WAN data to my
> router. I was experimenting with that approach yesterday, but I am still
> uncertain about the DD-WRT router configuration, still trying to come up
> with the right questions to ask for help here. The
> viasat equipment provides wifi that others have been using with poor
> results on their iPhones, etc, I am using one of the wired ethernet
> ports leaving a second port for connection to a  separate router.
> I want to turn down their wifi signal and use only my wifi router which
> will still leave their phone adapter functioning. I hope that explains
> things well enough to be understood. What I need most now is a good
> instruction for setting up the NAT stuff with my LAN ip changed to
> 192.168.0.xx which I think will make it easier for me to follow.
> Any further suggestions appreciated,
It appears you want to use your router as a wireless access point
In the figure on the above page, modem and router are the Viasat box and
you want to use your old router as the AP.  DD-WRT supports this, but
it is unusual in consumer routers.   You can find lots of material for the
college dorm room use case, e.g.: 5 tips for setting up your dorm room
wireless router

> Bob
> --
> Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
> http://www.qrz.com/db/W2BOD
> box83  FEDORA-29/64bit LINUX XFCE Fastmail POP3
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