I also endorse using your own equipment although some equipment might
be a little bit of an adventure.

I've posted several times over the past 8 months or so about the
equipment I've been using on Cox and Spectrum, I don't even have to
tell the ISP what equipment I'm using... I just tell them I'm using my
own equipment on the Service Order, then hook up my own equipment. As
long as the equipment id compatible with their system, everything
happens more or less automaticatlly… The equipment is discovered,
recogniziaed, identified and then authorized firmware updates are
installed automatically (by the ISP). If all goes well, somewhere
between 20 t0 90 minutes after initial hookup, the system should be

You need to identify your equipment if you want help with your
different options. Nowadays, I think most SOHO residential gateways
come with web-based Administration. You may need to use a wired
connection instead of a wireless.


On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 3:24 PM Bob Goodwin <bobgood...@fastmail.us> wrote:
> On 04/21/19 16:46, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> >> emorable ...
> >
> > That is a different "bridged mode" than what we've been referring to.
> >
> > If you can't set the modem to bridged mode, then you need to change
> > it's IP subnet to something other than  If the modem
> > and your router are both using that subnet, then your router will be
> > confused and it won't be able to route any traffic.
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> Well with Mike's urging I Googled some more and tried another Viasat
> modem setup item "Network Mode" which did shut down the wifi router.
> Then for the first time I could get some kind of path through my
> ASUS/Tomato router. That permitted me to see my iPad connected through
> my router. That is encouraging however this desktop with it's wired
> connection?
> It now occurs to me that my router is still set with different DHCP
> static addresses and I [probably need to set NM for that address. I have
> since done a reset on the viasat router which will add a confusion
> factor, but I notice that the Viasat modem wifi LED has not come back
> on? I've run out of time now but will get back to this later, there's a
> glimmer of hope ...
> --
> Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
> http://www.qrz.com/db/W2BOD
> box83  FEDORA-29/64bit LINUX XFCE Fastmail POP3
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