On 30/10/18 8:45 am, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 10/30/18 4:46 AM, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 29/10/18 9:15 am, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 10/29/18 5:23 AM, Stephen Morris wrote:

      I've just noticed that at boot time that the FSTRIM service is 
registering a
failure. The failure seems to be because it is trying to trim two windows mount 
which are on the SSD, that are mounted as RO because I can't mount them as RW 
due to
Microsoft functionality.

      Is there any way to configure the FSTRIM service to not attempt to trim 
Yes.  But it may be more trouble than it is worth.  I assume the only thing 
you're seeing
is a message in the logs.
I noticed the message at boot time when I was monitoring the progress of the 
boot. The
message that scrolled by said that the fstrim service had failed. It was 
status fstrim.service' that provided the details. I don't have the exact 
message as I
didn't write it down but the same issue didn't occur this morning presumably 
because the
trim service figured the was nothing to do. This morning when I issued the 
command it just said the service was 'inactive (dead)'.
It will show "inactive" since it is a "one shot" process.  Also, it will only 
run once/week.

I have 4 partitions on the ssd, the windows system partition, the windows drive 
partition, the Ubuntu boot partition and the Fedora boot partition. The 
command I issued yesterday to get the failure details indicated that the Fstrim 
was trying to do its work on those 4 partitions via the mount points specified 
in fstab,
and, that the process on the two linux partitions was successful, but the 
process on the
two windows partitions both failed.

In fstab the two windows partitions are specified as 'Read Only' because of 
functionality, so in my view, it is a defect in the Fstrim.service processing 
to even
attempt any write processes on a mount point that is 'Read Only'. I can 
understand the
functionality of "--all", but in my view a bit of common sense logic needs to be
included with that to bypass any partitions that are 'Read Only' via the 
that is being indicated it is using.
Well, the process probably doesn't check the fstab.  According to the man page 

Errors from filesystems that do not support the discard operation are silently 

Is all that is checked/ignored.

If the messages bother you, you can bugzilla it.  But it seems quite minor.

You are correct, it is minor, but I just don't see why,  when the fstrim process tries to trim the 4 mount points specified in fstab for the 4 partitions on the SSD, and 2 are successful and two fail, potentially because those mount points are RO and Microsoft antics won't allow them to be RW, that should mean that the fstrim service has failed. I can understand the service being flagged a failing for all processes failed, but if some work then I would have expected a warning that a subset of what it was doing didn't work. That's the way I write my programs when I consider them to be written properly.



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