On 10/29/18 5:23 AM, Stephen Morris wrote:
> Hi,
>     I've just noticed that at boot time that the FSTRIM service is 
> registering a
> failure. The failure seems to be because it is trying to trim two windows 
> mount points
> which are on the SSD, that are mounted as RO because I can't mount them as RW 
> due to
> Microsoft functionality.
>     Is there any way to configure the FSTRIM service to not attempt to trim 
> specific
> partitions?

Yes.  But it may be more trouble than it is worth.  I assume the only thing 
you're seeing
is a message in the logs.

man fstrim   and   man systemd.service  (for completeness)

The fstrim command doesn't support an "exclude" function.  Just an "--all" 

So, you'd have to copy /lib/systemd/system/fstrim.service to 
/etc/systemd/system  (this
overrides the /lib one) and then modify the file to have multiple ExecStart= 
(Without specifying -a, of course)  And list all the mount points.

Since the service type is "oneshot" the  ExecStart lines will be executed 

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