On 10/30/18 3:47 PM, Dave Stevens wrote:
On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 15:37:39 -0700
ToddAndMargo via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

Windows 10 causes my customers all kinds of trouble.  But
they can do nothing about it.

why not run linux as a subsystem where it fits? They'd have quite a lot
of knowledge already about office(s) and browsers, those skills should
transfer ok.


Believe me.  EVERYWHERE I can, I run it.

Fedora makes a great file server too.

I just quoted a lady who only wants a simple, off line computer
to run freecell.  (The one you guys helped me with a great
collection of granny games.)

I have another elderly lady whose Dell will no longer operate
with Windows.  Happens as the motherboard degrades.  Put her
on Fedora 25 and she just runs and runs and runs.  Had to
show her where the print button was on Thunderbird once and
had to install a new printer for her once too.  Nothing
ever goes wrong.

What I find different supporting Linux and OSx (weird for
the sake of weirdness) over Windows is that with Linux and OSx
I am helping set up things and assisting with program usage.

I do the same with Windows, but I also spend a ton of
time on system and quality issues, not to mention junkware
and such.

I really hate putting   together custom system with Windows
Nein, oops, Windows Ten.  It is such utter junk.  It is
what it is.
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