On 05/22/18 19:12, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Tue, 2018-05-22 at 15:16 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 05/21/18 23:09, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2018-05-21 at 10:06 +0930, Tim via users wrote:
>>>> There are
>>>> programs that just don't terminate every time when I log out.  Various
>>>> system/desktop daemons, sometimes web browsers.
>>> Possibly unrelated, but I sometimes - not always - find that after
>>> updating (using dnf with the tracer plugin) I'm advised to restart my
>>> session, then on logging out and in I'm suddenly forced out again after
>>> a short time, usually less than a minute.
>> FWIW, if you investigate a little I think you'd find that for every user 
>> that logs-in
>> for a GUI session there will be about 9+ processes that are left running and 
>> remain
>> running.  It seems these processes are then reused on subsequent logins by 
>> the same
>> uid.  I suppose this may be done to speed-up subsequent logins.
>> So, those processes may potentially keep copies of libraries that have been 
>> updated
>> and (guessing) clashes happen with new processes with new libraries.
> Yes, I'm aware of that. However 'tracer' supposed to detect this,
> either when called from the Shell or via the dnf plug-in. That's why
> it's telling me to restart the session.

I seriously doubt that tracer will be able to detect that some processes may 
a log-outt/log-in event.

Do you run tracer again after logging in again?

>> Therefore, I don't logout/login after updates.  If anything, I reboot.  In 
>> my case a
>> reboot takes about 12 seconds so I'm  not bothered by it.
> It's fast here too, but I usually have a VM running that I may not want
> to forcibly reboot.
There is always something, isn't there?

Conjecture is just a conclusion based on incomplete information. It isn't a 

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