Xerox: That's what my now-dead all-in-one was. Print quality was merely good for black text on white background, poor for white text and black background, and terrible for color. The drivers were in the Xerox web site, but support beyond that? Forget it.

Okidata: you're correct: expensive.  Definitely over my budget.

Brother: I wanted more info than what was in the web site. The web site didn't work well. I couldn't find a number to call. I tried the chat. In several minutes, I advanced to #1 in the queue. Then a minute or two later, I dropped down to #2, and stayed there for a while before being restored to #1. Then I waited over a hour, and then gave up.

HP: I chose the color laser jet pro mfp m180nw. I would have preferred an M281 FDW (it has auto duplex), but that was over my budget.

It's arrived, but so far I can't get things set up correctly. I'll start a new thread for that.

I thank everyone for their inputs.  This thread is closed.
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