On Fri, 2018-01-19 at 19:17 +0000, Morgan Read wrote:
> OK, I've got my head around this X stuff before, some years ago now - in one, 
> out the other...
> So, my suspicioms are correct - it makes no sense to be trying to start off 
> by building graphic appliance clients on a cli non-X host server because it's 
> going to be the host serving X to the virtual client appliances.

I don't know which message you're replying to here. The convention on
mailing lists is to cite the respondent and the specific text you're
commenting on. Your mail client should do this by default unless you've
configured it differently.

If you were replying to my message, then you seem to have misunderstood
me. I'll repeat: the *X server* is the machine with the display. The *X
clients* are the apps that want to use the display, which in your
scenario are running on the headless machine.

> So, what I'm effectively looking to do is run a full blown workstation as the 
> host server?

No, you can do that but the existence of a physical display on the
'host server' is irrelevant to what you're asking.

> But, then with Wayland, Docker, containers and other techmology more recent 
> than X - what's the best stratergy? I guess what I'm really asking is: 
> someone must be doing this already somewhere - can anyone point me there? 
> (Without wanting to start a flame war or anything silly)

Those are all different things. Docker and containers have nothing
specific to do with this question. Wayland is display technology
different from X, and not the way you want to go at this time as it
doesn't directly support remote access. You'd have to juggle it with
VNC or RDP to get what you want.

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