On Friday 19 January 2018 15:37:55 mst...@read.org.nz wrote:
> Is it possible to run a graphic host on a server with no X?
> I.'d like to run a few hosts like Slim Server/ LMS and Kodi, amongst
> others, on a headless cli server. Does such a thing make any sense at all?
> Obviously there'd be a "head" for Kodi, Slim Server etc, but not the
> server?

Slim Server / LMS is a web service, so you don't need graphics on the server. 

For Kodi, you should be able to install the X libraries etc., then connect 
from another box that is graphics capable using ssh with X forwarding. I have 
no idea whether this would be up to watching video using Kodi as I've never 
tried that.

Having said that I have used Kodi on a Raspberry Pi 2B and that was okay, so 
who knows.
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