First off thanks guys for all the responses.

So a bit of clarification: This 2TB Seagate was previously used at a
storage drive in a WIn10 system.. my old system from about 2 years back.
When I migrated to Fedora I kept it unmounted for quite a while until a
couple months ago. To be honest I cannot recall currently what it is
formatted as right now... I have a suspicion it's still NTFS just because I
have no other device to offload the data too in order to reformat as
something better. However I will verify that tonight.  And no this disk is
a single huge partition.
In addition it's not a green drive.. so there should be no spinning down to
save energy (that I know of).

@Patrick, What you describe with your previous mounted NAS that is the
exact activity I see.

On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 5:55 AM, John Pilkington <> wrote:

> On 06/01/18 09:35, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> On Fri, 2018-01-05 at 21:14 -0700, InvalidPath wrote:
>>> So fully updated F27, using Plasma I have a 2TB Seagate drive as a
>>> secondary storage device off a normal sata port. Accessing the disk via
>>> kdialog, Dolphin and Nautilus is slooow. Can take anywhere from 5 to 15
>>> seconds to screens to update. Drive is perfectly normal under Win10.
>>> What could be the troublw?
>> I used to see this when I had a NAS permanently mounted via NFS. The
>> NAS would periodically turn off its drives while not in use, but any
>> 'open file' GUI dialogue would wait for it to spin up before letting me
>> do anything, even if the files I wanted weren't on the NAS.
>> Just a thought.
>> poc
> I think I've seen something like this.  I have Seagate NASes which I don't
> want to keep constantly on, with lines in fstab to mount them via cifs.
> Manual mount and umount work ok when they are on, and they are supposed to
> be switched off via an icon in the web interface.  I've seen slow
> window-switching after doing that.  Is there a way to manage mount/umount
> automatically?  One of them is in a 'family' setup.
> John P
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