Roberto Ragusa writes:

On 12/21/2017 06:28 PM, Gordon Messmer wrote:

> Because NetworkManager is an event-driven system.  If an interface loses carrier for a defined period of time (5 seconds prior to the commit I've referenced), NM will remove the IP configuration from that interface.

And this is one of the most stupid things we've ever imported from Windows.

… for interfaces with static IP addresses.

This is quite reasonable, and most likely unavoidable for DHCP-based network ports. But for ports with explicitly defined static IP addresses, having them configured based on the presence of a carrier makes no logical sense, whatsoever, and ends up accomplishing absolutely nothing useful except breaking servers. As we've seen happen, time and time again.

I defy anyone to identify a tangible benefit that comes from removing a static IP address from a port when it loses carrier, and installing one only once a carrier is present. I tried to play devil's advocate, but couldn't come up with a single damn reason.

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