On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 22:15 -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:
>  it's considerably harder simply because the system is designed, first and 
> foremost, from the ground up with security in mind.  With Windows, security 
> seems to have been always an after thought, if thought about at all.
> In addition, Linux users tend to be more knowledgeable regarding the vagaries 
> of computers and computing, and take reasonable precautions against such 
> things.

All of this is true, but I still think it would be wrong for us to get
too complacent about it. As soon as somebody says "this won't be a
problem on Linux", they may not be "taking reasonable precautions". Do
you check out every YouTube video for badness before you view it? Does
anyone actually do that? With the nature of this particular
vulnerability, if you are still looking at Flash videos from potentially
untrustworthy sources, then you are vulnerable even on Linux.

I believe it is only a matter of (not much) time before Linux is
targeted. In this case, there is no update path available for Linux
users at the moment, so all of us who have installed the Adobe Flash
plugin are vulnerable. The bad guys know this. The fact that Windows is
also vulnerable until patched (possibly even more vulnerable) does not
change this.


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