On Sun, Jul 09, 2017 at 02:02:14PM -0400, Temlakos wrote:
> On 07/07/2017 09:28 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> >On 07/08/17 09:19, Temlakos wrote:
> >>That pkg-config package doesn't appear to exist. I had to cut that out of 
> >>the
> >>command before it would execute. When I did that, I did manage to install 
> >>several
> >>more dependencies. Now unless I hear anything from anybody on what 
> >>pkg-config is
> >>renamed to these days, I consider I'm ready to download those tarballs and 
> >>start
> >>building.
> >/usr/bin/pkg-config is supplied by the pkgconfig package.
> >
> >[root@f25f ~]# dnf info pkgconfig
> >Last metadata expiration check: 1:15:32 ago on Sat Jul  8 08:12:17 2017.
> >Installed Packages
> >Name        : pkgconfig
> >Arch        : x86_64
> >Epoch       : 1
> >Version     : 0.29.1
> >Release     : 1.fc25
> >Size        : 115 k
> >Repo        : @System
> > From repo   : fedora
> >Summary     : A tool for determining compilation options
> >URL         : http://pkgconfig.freedesktop.org
> >License     : GPLv2+
> >Description : The pkgconfig tool determines compilation options. For each 
> >required
> >             : library, it reads the configuration file and outputs the 
> > necessary
> >             : compiler and linker flags.
> >
> You are correct, of course. What's more, I already had the package
> installed.
> For the benefit of everyone still following this thread, I was in
> fact able to compile, make, and install the program makemkv. Thus
> far I've tried it on a few studio DVD discs. Only one of them gave
> me a problem--I suspect I will find the particular title unplayable
> by reason of poor quality control at the factory where they stamped
> out the disc. Everything else I've tried to rip so far, has worked.
> The next test will be to do that with a Blu-ray. From what I read,
> you need the key--or will after this month is out, since the program
> is still in beta--to rip a Blu-ray but not necessarily a DVD.
> I'd say this option replaces the old libdvdcss. After all, if I can
> rip it, I can then play it again and again.
> Thanks to everyone for your help.

I've used it for multiple DVDs, and it won't work without the key.

haven't used it, myself, for bluray, as I don't have a bluray drive.
My son has one and he has used it, but on Win7, not LInux.

 .----    Fred Smith   /              
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