El 22/6/17 a las 13:29, Temlakos escribió:
Does anyone have experience with installing Fedora on a NUC?
In case anyone here doesn't know what a NUC is: it happens to stand
for Next Unit of Computing. It is a 5.4 x 4.9 x 4.5-/inch/ box having
the minimal number of components to support desktop functions. You
equip it with your own hard drive, keyboard, mouse, etc., and can
drive up to a 4K Ultra-style monitor. Some people use its VESA mount
to mount it on the back of their TV. Result: instant smart TV--smarter
than any TV in the store, because it can handle word processing and
regular Web apps in addition to video and audio streaming.
Word is that it normally ships with Windows 10, but can support any
number of distributions of Linux. I want to know whether Fedora is one
of them.
It sounds like the ideal small office/media lab/home theater solution.
Pair it with a good NAS and you have all the computing power you need,
with a fraction of the physical--and carbon--footprint.
Comments? Suggestions? Success stories? Horror stories?
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I run F25 in a MSI Cubi (i5-5200U 2,20Ghz). Everything works out the box.
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