On 12/10/16 13:31, stevefoley12...@gmail.com wrote:
> wait...I spoke too soon...rebooted and it doesn't work!
> ah well, I'm watching videos about SELinux now...this might take all week.

Like I said earlier....

try "setenforce 0" to verify the totality of the problem is selinux

Also, the files should go in /var/lib/dictd  <---- the d at the end.  

And after you put the files there you may have to restore their context.

restorecon -R /var/lib/dictd

And then make sure the files have context like so...

[root@f25f dictd]# pwd

[root@f25f dictd]# ls -Z
unconfined_u:object_r:dictd_var_lib_t:s0 x

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