On Thu, 2010-06-10 at 00:52 -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 05:48:18 +0000,
>   vijay bhide <bhid...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > I downloaded Fedora 13 preupgrade which is my /boot directory of my 
> > existing Fedora 8 installation.I booted to preupgrade image to start 
> > upgrade.I reached a stage where 4installation options were offered.One was 
> > to remove completely existing installations ,second was removing existing 
> > linux installatios,third was to compress existing Ubuntu 10.04 and the last 
> > one was to install on free space.In all the options I was prompted to 
> > create boot partition of 500MB.In my existing system I have Win XP on sda1 
> > Mandriva on sda 5,Swap on sda 7,Fedora8 on sda 8 and Data(Fat) on sda 
> > 6,Ubuntu 9.1 on sda9,Ubuntu 10.04 on sda10.Grub is on MBR.and no boot 
> > partition.
> You aren't going to be able to go directly from Fedora 8 to Fedora 13 (without
> a LOT of pain).
> You are probably better off saving your data and your config and then doing
> a fresh install.

Why do you say this ?  

I'd like to see him back up his data and try.  He really has nothing to
lose.  If it doesn't work he can wipe the drive and do a fresh install.

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