On 05/18/2016 08:04 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 8:17 PM, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:
On 05/17/2016 07:09 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:

I am really sure there is no numlock key on this keyboard. If it's
hidden, I'd identify it how? Every key has a label, some have two,
none are numlock or anything that could possibly be interpreted as
being numlock.

Do you have a brand name and/or model number?  If so, it might be worth
trying a little googlemancy.

It's an Apple keyboard, maybe six years old but I don't ever recall
seeing an Apple keyboard with numlock because there was never such a
thing as navigation by keypad on Macs.


Now that would have been very useful to mention right at the start. Apple hardware tends to be "different". And I would have understood the lack of numlock. :-)
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