Fedora ISO's use a very funky hybrid partition scheme that merges
three partition schemes: APM (Apple Partition Map), MBR, and GPT. I'm
not aware of any tools that will modify this hybrid map right now.
livecd-iso-to-disk with options --efi --format --reset-mbr should boot
either BIOS or UEFI systems. But it is again a kind of hybrid
partition map that has no tools for modifying.

If you were satisfied with booting only UEFI systems, you could maybe
create a bunch of EFI system partitions sized big enough to contain
each ISO, format them FAT32, and then only use the --efi flag,
pointing litd to each partition accordingly. The firmware should
enumerate each partition, but it may not be obvious from the
firmware's built-in boot manager which partition contains which OS
ISO. Actually, it probably won't be obvious at all. You'd have to
already know what ISO is on what partition number, you're probably
only going to see a listing of partitions to boot from with the
firmware's boot manager.

Now, GRUB being capable of almost anything if you put your mind to it,
you could create a single USB stick with both BIOS and UEFI versions
of GRUB. And each of their grub.cfg's can then point to the
kernel+initramfs combination on any of the partitions. In this way,
you'd get a GRUB menu to choose which OS ISO you're booting (and I say
ISO but I mean the ISO's contents, copied onto some file system on the

Next problem. Copying the contents of the ISO breaks the ability to do
a verification the write was successful with no subsequent corruption.
And as flash sticks are pretty unreliable (i.e. less deterministic
than other media), I wouldn't rely on copied media contents. And I
wouldn't even rely on dd'd contents without some kind of checksumming

And the next hurdle is that all of this stuff is going to change
starting with Fedora 24... so a lot of things are up in the air. I
have a couple ideas how to make this easier and more reliable long
term but it's also non-trivial work that would depend on several

Chris Murphy
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