> On 20 Feb 2016, at 22:14, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:
>> On 02/20/2016 02:08 PM, thibaut noah wrote:
>> Okay, i googled what top posting is.
>> I did not to post, i just never quote what i'm replying too since text
>> is not quoted when one press the answer button on gmail.
>> What's the point of quoting everything when you just have to read the
>> previous message 3centimeters on top?
>> Also you sir are very rude, what the hell is wrong with you?
> *Shrug!*  When I reply to something from gmail, the entire message is quoted, 
> but I trim it to what's relevant.  Sometimes, I cut the quoted text into 
> sections with replies in between to make it clear just what I'm responding 
> to.  It's not exactly rocket surgery, and I fail to understand why some of 
> the people on the list find it so difficult, or think that they must include 
> the entire message in their reply, including the boiler plate at the bottom.  
> (Not that you did, but if you'll look at what we get in this list, very many 
> posters do exactly that.)
> -- 
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Because my friend not many of us in this day & age have time to spend cutting & 
pasting bits of an email chain!
Despite all the ancient protestations on this list - top-posting is becoming 
the norm!
I presume you use facebook & linked-in - they are good examples of why these 
mailing lists are sailing against a head-wind.
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