On 02/20/2016 02:08 PM, thibaut noah wrote:

Okay, i googled what top posting is.
I did not to post, i just never quote what i'm replying too since text
is not quoted when one press the answer button on gmail.
What's the point of quoting everything when you just have to read the
previous message 3centimeters on top?
Also you sir are very rude, what the hell is wrong with you?

*Shrug!* When I reply to something from gmail, the entire message is quoted, but I trim it to what's relevant. Sometimes, I cut the quoted text into sections with replies in between to make it clear just what I'm responding to. It's not exactly rocket surgery, and I fail to understand why some of the people on the list find it so difficult, or think that they must include the entire message in their reply, including the boiler plate at the bottom. (Not that you did, but if you'll look at what we get in this list, very many posters do exactly that.)
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