Tom Horsley wrote:
On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 05:47:23 +1030 Tim wrote:

It's not a new problem

Actually it is a new problem. Yum was fine with multiple rpms defining the same directory till somewhere around fedora 19 or 20, then it suddenly became an error.

I don't think the problem is multiple rpm's simply defining the same directory; it's when they define the directory differently. Numerous packages own /etc/bash_completion.d and they don't fail to install with yum or dnf, for example.

The line quoted earlier from the google package set the mode to 755, while the filesystem package sets it to 555.

Once ... in the wilds of Afghanistan, I lost my corkscrew, and we were
forced to live on nothing but food and water for days.
   -- W.C. Fields

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