On 02/14/2016 06:56 PM, Fred Smith wrote:
On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 01:07:09PM -0700, jd1008 wrote:
Downloaded google-earth-stable_current_x86_64.rpm  from google
Yeah, google messed up. They don't seem to care, it's been like that
for quite some time.

If you can find the right forum at google, there is a loooooong thread
on problem with the linux version of google earth, and one of the
things it tells is how to fix the RPM using rpmrebuild. Once you
get the RPM fixed so it will install, you may have a bunch of other
problems with rendering imagery. that is discussed in that looooong
thread also. Mostly it mentions Ubuntu, but there is a link to another
thread that tells how to fix it on Fedora. I applied that on Centos 7
and now google earth works almost perfectly, or close enough to actually
be usable.

I don't have links to those threads, but I can go look for them again
if you get stuck.


Already fixed hours ago.
I am having no issues with rendering - just slow.

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