On Mon, 30 Nov 2015 19:37:39 +0100 Michael Schwendt <mschwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Nov 2015 07:07:33 -0600, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> > I am sorry I do not quite understand what to do here. Is there an example 
> > spec file I can look at for this?
> > 
> > I tried Gordon's suggestion and added:
> > 
> > 
> > %install
> > install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}
> > install -m 755 luskipc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/luksipc
> > 
> > but get:
> > 
> > + cd luksipc-0.04
> > + install -d 
> > /home/maitra/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/luksipc-0.04-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin
> > + install -m 755 luskipc 
> > /home/maitra/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/luksipc-0.04-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/luksipc
> > install: cannot stat 'luskipc': No such file or directory
> It's a shocking amount of handholding you need for an issue like this. :-(

Yes, sorry: I was in a hurry to get out before the ice-storm hit and tried 
things blindly. Besides, I have always had the feeling that rpmbuild is too 
complicated, perhaps needlessly.

> First of all, it seems you've made a typo: luskipc vs. luksipc

Yes, and that was it. It works (compiles and installs now).
> Secondly, it may be that the built file is not located within the topdir
> but some subdir.

No, it was in the topdir: hence the confusion. I tend to be nervous about 
rpmbuilding (and hence assume the worst right away). 

> Obviously, you can do _anything_ you like in the %install section, such
> as entering the directory where the built file is found or adding the file's
> path to the install command. The %install section is just a shell script.
> Do what's necessary. Get familiar with the extracted source tarball's
> directory structure. Understand which files are built and need to be
> installed, especially if a Make install target is not available.

Thanks! It is not for the faint of heart, or for me:-(

Thanks again, (and to Gordon also)!

Best wishes,

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