On Wed, 18 Nov 2015 22:08:33 -0700
William <mattison.compu...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thank-you, Bob.  In fact, I do already have "galculator", and 2 other 
> calculators.  But none of them are graphics calculators - calculators 
> that can plot functions.  That is (part of) why I would like
> "extcalc".

I took a quick look at the sourceforge page for this project, and it
looks like it uses qt4 as its interface.  So it might not work in
latest Fedora versions, because they use qt5.  It looks like
development has stopped on this approximately two years ago, so to use
it with qt5 would require modifying it yourself.

It might just require a few tweaks, but it could require more extensive
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