On 11/19/2015 12:08 AM, William wrote:
Good evening,

> From: Bob Goodwin <bobgood...@wildblue.net>
> To: users@lists.fedoraproject.org
> Subject: Re: extcalc: which repository?
> Message-ID: <564cac6f.7020...@wildblue.net>
> On 11/18/15 11:41, William wrote:
> > Good morning,
> >
> > I'm wanting to install "extcalc" (a graphics calculator) on my Fedora
> > 22 system.  But "apper" does not find it.  I'd like to get "extcalc"
> > from a repository that "dnf" and "apper" pay attention to so that it
> > will be kept up-to-date auto-magically when I do my weekly patches.
> > What repository that "dnf" can pay attention to has "extcalc"?
(*** snip ***)

Go to Google and input extcalc.rpm and you'll find several entries that are 
to Fedora, and some that do not seem to be specific. Download the file and
install it with a root command line "rpm -Uvh filename.rpm" where the 
filename.rpm  is
the complete name of the downloaded file, complete with any version numbers, 
(Without the quotes that I have used here, of course.)
If the downloaded file has word spaces in it, then type \  before any space.
The same goes for parentheses--both ( and ).
Of course, the file will not be updated all the time, but so what? If it works 
it should continue to work on and on into the future.

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